Award criteria are selection elements that allow contracting authorities to evaluate the offers submitted by tenderers and choose the one that best meets their needs. The criteria may vary according to the type of public contract, the subject of the contract, the legislation in force, etc.
The most common criteria used in public procurement are:
The price: this is the most commonly used criterion and which makes it possible to select the cheapest offer.
Quality: this criterion takes into account the quality of the goods or services offered, the quality of the implementation or the services offered, as well as the quality of the means and methods used.
Sustainability: this criterion assesses the sustainability of the goods or services offered and takes into account environmental, social and economic aspects.
Technical value: this criterion assesses the added value of the tenders submitted and takes into account aspects such as innovation, performance, energy efficiency, safety, etc.
Professional and technical capacity: this criterion evaluates the capacity of the tenderers to provide the goods or services offered, taking into account their experience, their skills, their
human and technical resources, their references, etc.